Three years ago….

Three years ago today I lost my grandfather.  I had to watch him slowly loose functioning and breath his last breath. I can’t believe it has been that long already. I remember it like it was yesterday and yet I also feel as though it’s been ages since I last saw his face or heard his comforting voice.

Oh how I miss that man. He had an answer for every problem. He was my provider my father my best friend and my hero. I am blessed to have been raised by such an honorable honest man.


In honor of his death I will share a post I wrote a few days after he died back in 2011. I spent three weeks living down here caring for him 24-7. I collected some of my favorite Facebook posts from that time and posted them in one blog.♡the images are not showing up but you get the point. ..

I still miss him. But nothing compares to the way She must feel…
Thankfully she has no clue what the date was. She even wore his shirt that he is wearing in this picture today without even realizing it.

Alas… we must say goodbye.

Lemon Rosemary Spaghetti Squash

check out my new recipe on !!!

Spaghetti Squash Recipe


Container Gardening

Container Gardening

Check out the article I wrote for San Diego bargain mama… She tagged back to my new website too: Ranaldi Family Farm


Good Night


Check out the new post from


❤ you all!

News changes and updates!!

Well. The time has come for me to inform you [my loyal followers] that “a penny for your thoughts” blog is MoVING on up!!

Not only do I have my own personal “blog” page at

But we also started a business page at

So any of the fun stuff on the farm and recipes and crazy stories about the animals are gonna be on there!!

Please, if you’ve supported this lil ole blog for so long, hop on over and consider continuing to support me some more.

Thanks. ❤ ya!

Rabecca Ranaldi


Sweet Reunions

Most of you know Kaelob is in a “special” class at his school specifically taylored towards behavrioally challenged children.  Coincidentally ALL of the kids in his class (nine children total) are boys.  There are atleast five teachers some times up to 7 or 8 in the class at a time. Most of them are there to hover around and cover a certain child needing task specific redirection. Each child has something unique attatched to their desk that helps them with various sensory needs, for example Kaelob has what looks like a giant rubber band attatched to his chair and occassionally (especially while taking tests) he can reach down and stretch it with his arm, or put his foot on it and stretch it that way.  One child has a squishy feely blog thingy velcroed to the top of his desk.  Another has an inflatable cushion on his chair that looks like a giant whoopie cushion or the pillow you get when you bruise your tailbone.  The classroom is very colorful, very structured and extremely helpful to Kaelob. More

Thank you for being sick…a Mother’s Confession.

Okay, maybe she isnt really sick… maybe she is. it is still to be determined… maybe she is just gassy and not feeling well, but it wont progress into the nightmare that I so quickly imagine (and secretly prepare msyelf for)…Either way, Thank you.

Weird right? But honestly…. More

Under My Wing.

I keep getting waves of guilt washing over me.  Panic knocking me over like a tidal wave; despite my white knuckle grip on life I am falling….

I feel like a mama hen desperately trying to keep her little innocent fluffy babes safe from harms way as they happily frolic to and fro without a care in the world. But I am drenched with worry, wings outspread trying desperately to reach them, grab them and keep them underfoot.

But my babies are growing. My babies are learning. My babies are getting bigger and hearing things, seeing things… they are stepping out into this world and one day…

…they will know the truth. More

Survey for my Applied Research Paper: Please Help!

So those of you that know me, know I have been busting my butt trying to finish school this last year and a half.  With three wild kids and a husband who is always gone working this has not been easy, but here I am in the LAST WEEK of school preparing to receive my Bachelors Degree in Organizational Leadership, YAY!

But here’s the thing, one major hurdle is still standing in my way: the Applied Research Project.  I am writing about something that is near and dear to my heart and I would appreciate your participation.  Please share this post with your friends and family and anyone you know… the more responses I get the better my data will be.  I tried using survey monkey but felt it was stupid to pay a yearly or monthly subscription for something I only need to use once.  So I am hoping as my friends and peers, you wont mind hitting select all, copy, pasting and filling in your own answers… either as a comment on this blog or emailing me at (

Once you get past the general demographic questions MOST of your answers will simply be YES or NO. Please do not feel bad if many of your answer’s are NO, be honest. You are not expected to already know most of this information.
Thank you SO much for your participation.


Journey of a Wanna-be Green-thumbed Self-sustainable Farmer

my new writing project … 🙂


Journey of a Wanna-be Green-thumbed Self-sustainable Farmer.

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